Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today is a Beautiful Day...

This video is food for thought about how 1 person can make a difference. (Thanks for sharing Dad and Eric!) Please check out the video, then read the throw down (trust me)

Step 1: Click Here to Watch: The Story of a Sign

Step 2: Tweencraft Throwdown... Did you think I could resist? No way! This isn't crafting, cooking or journaling, but it's life. For 1 week, lets pay attention and try to make a difference at least once.
  • hold the door for someone else
  • invite someone sitting alone to sit with you at lunch
  • find a family member and give them a kiss
  • go out of your way to check in on a friend you've been out of touch with
  • if a friend or family member has been blue, ask what's wrong and really listen
  • smile at the grocery store clerk and ask how they are
You have an amazing power to do good. Acting with compassion may mean taking a deep breath and finding your courage - your friends may not think it's cool - and what if someone rejects you when you try? In either case try to remember the compassion that made you want to try, your heart is in the right place. A great take away from my favorite comic book heroes is "I use my powers for good" - Comment on how this goes, okay? The good, the bad and the ugly.
image source:


Unknown said...

I'll so do it!!

Suzanne said...

I started waving to other Bugs as I drive. I tried smiling at people in the grocery store (didn't work out so well - because I didn't smile until they looked away... sigh- I'll get better at this with practice, right?) I've tried to be friendlier at work. This has a way of making me more aware of the world around me. How's it going for you Lauren? - Suz