Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Chickens Lay Healthy Eggs

What do happy chickens have to do with a 12-year-old boy who lives near Boston? Check out Orren's blog "Happy Chickens Lay Healthy Eggs." He talks about raising chickens, where our food comes from, and some other cool things, like a link to a surfing movie about appreciating where you're at. Here are some quotes from what he's writing on Twitter:

"Most kids my age would rather talk about and think about their gaming systems than what they are eating, oh well. Night."

"Just read that cows with named produce 6% more milk, (NYT Year in Ideas) 'Named cows are often treated nicely...happy cows make more milk'"

Here's the link to where you'll find him on Twitter:


(Photo Source:, photo taken by Orren's friend Morgan.)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Lauren has an intersting fact about chicken nuggets that goes right along with this post.